About us


IMG_1621Wherever you go, wherever you travel people come together to eat, share their food and their stories. They come together like a fine wine and wild mushrooms come together in a warm bowl of risotto, prepared and cooked right before your very own eyes.

There is nothing more comforting than a big family dinner table – a family sharing the events of their day with each other and sometimes with their friends whether sharing a good bowl of soup or a plate of spaghetti. Often when people share their food, they share a piece of their own identity their culture or they experience the culture of somebody else.

Sprats is the combination of a food loving couple – travel and food enthusiasts that love to travel not just to learn about the foods of different cultures but also to learn and hear the stories of the people behind the food – the stories of people proudly sharing their food with others.

We are no food critics – just two people that love to travel, experience new things and listen to the people telling their stories.

Sprats is about discovering old and present recipes and exploring new ones – about why it is important to preserve the old recipes and stories in our voyage to create new recipes and new stories.

We hope you will enjoy our stories as we look forward to bringing them to you as we set out to discover the world.

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